New Moon in Taurus, 22/4/2020: I want to feel you and read between your lines~

This edition of the cosmic orchestra of UNEXPECTED CHANGES and disruptions is brought to you by none other than Uranus. It begins with a dash of eccentricity as the Spiritual Awakener, the higher octave of Mercury, Uranus is conjunct this NM in the first decan of Taurus, the most Taurus of the Taurus decans and is ruled by Mercury and Venus.

Venus herself is the ruler of this lunation and if you go into her myth, you realize that the entity from whom she is born, aka Uranus sits on her throne as she readies to retrograde in mutable Gemini, an air sign where her energy can be bipolar. But she is ready to express and communicate as she brings back themes from 2004 and 2012 when she went retrograde at this point in the skies.

Aphrodite or Venus was born when Cronus castrated his father Uranus and from the semen of the genitals of Uranus, Venus herself was born. From this vital, eccentric life-force and her birth is because of Saturn or Cronus himself, who is in rulership and in a harmonious trine to Venus. Trines are an opening into something fortuitous.

Luna is exalted in this decan of Taurus and she rejoices in the sacred yabyum with the solar masculine. Luna glistens in the sky with her precious silvery gown as she enters the sacred conjugal chambers. One look at Ra, she forgets everything and eons appear to be encased in just a nano second.

For Luna, under the Taurean skies, under the watchful gaze of Uranus, this nano second is of pure bliss as she remembers the last time she had met the Lord of her heart, Ra in Aries. Mars ruled fiery tempestuous Aries, where she, cold and moist feels the cutting and burning of Mars. Scathing pain ensued…

He was strong in his exalted position, but Luna was scorched by Mars. She felt burnt and bruised as she faced her shadows conjunct Chiron. Maybe some of the shadow work was forced. Chiron brought forth their vulnerability and helped her see the rawness of her pain. Ra feels those emotions as she breathes a sign of relief to embrace her and make love to her in a zone where she is exalted.

She felt the heaviness of her encounter with Chiron in cardinal, fiery Aries. Luna stands facing Ra and she closes her eyes. Within a split second, she can feel the warmth of Ra entering her being, her sanctum sanctorum. Their eyes meet and remain locked for what appeared to the mortals as forever.

But for Luna and Ra, it was just a fleeting moment. A moment imprinted in the fabric of time and space. Ra finds her raw pain reflecting through the windows of her eyes unnerving. There is so much emotion the cold and moist Luna brings up within him. He knows she takes his light to shine, but without her, his destiny hangs on the threshold of no-God’s land.

Everything is pointless without her, because it is her destiny that holds the Observer in place. Without her magnetic pull, there would be no eyes to witness and sing of the glory of heaven. It is her magick, her fertility, her maya that holds reality together.

Ra realizes the work that needs to be done right now, in the micro realm and he can see that Luna is enervated and exhausted. She is the symbol of us humans and she carries our mortal wounds and smiles on her auric field. She represents us. She is our mother.

Ra and Luna are sharing the stage with Uranus, who is shaking things up, to put it mildly in the fixed, earth sign of Taurus. It is like he is strung on the cross like Jesus Christ and they three agree that it is time to focus, on the macro as well as the micro. And there is the necessity of a sacrifice! A holy sacrifice!

Uranus strung up on the cross is a symbol of the Hanged Man. It is a time to be patient or is it a time to change the perspective? Did not Odin hang for nine days on the tree of life until the mystery of magick and runes were revealed to him by the old Norse gods?

Uranus feels strung up today like Odin as he looks down at the divine meeting of Ra and Luna. Their holy union happens under his watchful gaze. But he is eccentric and he thinks of how he can excite Ra and Luna. Of how he can bring out their revolutionary spirit? Luna will have to carry his electrical energy down to the micro level. She has to sing his songs to the humans in 3D. But how can he get her to sign up to his experiment?

“You may consider that nothing in the past was working and we have to change things up.” Whispers Uranus. Luna takes in this profound moment for she knows that Uranus is here, in fixed Taurus to change things up with his fohatic electricity.

Her eyes half closed, she draws in a deep breath and connects her energy to Ra, her Sun. Her light. Her magnetism. What am I without him, she thinks? What would I do without her, thinks Ra. Without her there would be no life, there would just be his hotness and his dryness. Ra knows he needs Luna’s moistness if they are to create. When heat and moistness are mixed together, we have the creation of life.

Ra reads Luna’s mind as she squirms uncomfortably with pain at the thought of the shadows she has had to face. She is us, the common people and this seclusion, this 12th house activation has us preparing for our initiation. As if by cosmic force, we have been collectively called into do the rituals. The rituals that will prepare us for that final initiation from Ra and Luna is forever preparing us…for that final atonement. For that final return to source code. For that final moment of third eye opening.

Saturn has just entered Aquarius and is strong in his rulership, so strong that Luna is afraid that he will castrate the vision of Uranus. Luna knows that Cronus and Uranus are waging a tireless battle for the final supremacy of Aquarius. And he is square this lunation and this energy is something the skies above have to get used to and the humans below too. Luna knows how 2021 will be so strongly impacted by this exchange. She knows how challenging squares can be.

The meeting of Luna and Ra in an earth sign is a harbinger of manifestation. Luna knows that things are not just in the air, they are ready to be birthed. Into the dense reality of matter. The world Luna controls with the ebb and flow of tides.

Luna is plugged into Venus, the ruler of this NM and this decan also belongs to Venus. Yes, she shares it with Mercury, but this first decan of Taurus has the Venusian signature all over it. Luna gets her ideas across to Venus who is thankfully in a good position to hold a conversation with Mars and Saturn, the two feared ones.

Venus reaches us through the medium of air in the aspect of a trine to Mars and Saturn. “I pay obeisance to mighty Saturn and Mars…in the sign of the water bearer. The bearer of the Uranian electrical thunderbolt. How progresses your work o mighty ones?”

Have you come to terms with your wounds o beautiful Luna, replies Saturn. For being square this lunation, he is bringing heaviness and restriction. Luna feels stiffed by him, yet, she cannot shake off the whiff of madness and revolution that Uranus is feeding her.

O mighty Saturn, the Lord of the 7th planetary sphere…you bring the curse and you bring the antidote. Is there a vaccine for the sickness that is eating away at our souls? Pleads Luna with Saturn.

Where there is poison there is also cure. The work progresses Luna..all goes as planned.

But Aquarius does not have a plan, whispers Luna. Uranus is vying to break free of the rules that you have carved in flesh and blood O Lord. He is breathing down my neck for change, strung up on the fixed cross of existence.

Will he be able to castrate Uranus this time? Uranus is vulnerable as he is not in domicile. He is not in a sign he enjoys. Probably the fixed nocturnal sign of Taurus, earthy and tactile is the least favorite of Uranus. That is why he is like the Hangman. His radical changes curbed. Saturn squaring him is a reminder everyday. But Saturn is strong…he rules Aquarius whether or not there is an usurper by the name of Uranus wanting to take his place.

Luna wants Venus to ask of Saturn a guarantee. Can our homes be warm and protected? Can there be enough food? She is concerned about food today as fixed earth Taurus is about food, agriculture and vegetation,. Ra and Luna are concerned about Gaia because they feel protective towards her and Luna knows she is the mother of us humans and Ra knows he is our father.

There is a moment of epiphany as she realizes that the bridge between Saturn and Uranus is Chiron himself. None other than the wounded healer whom she met not too long ago. She begins to toy with the idea of how to gain freedom(URANUS) from limitation(SATURN)?

Luna remembers the anthropomorphic myths of 3D and she remembers how Chiron sacrificed himself for Prometheus and ultimately got his rightful place as a constellation. Chiron realized the importance of Prometheus stealing that divine fire and handing it to us mere mortals. Luna supports the mortals down below. Their laughter, their cries, their pain, their sacrifice and their avarice.

She whispers to Saturn…I am ready to face your karmic tests, so I might give creation the Uranian fire of awakening. I am ready…

Are you? Smiles old father Time or Saturn…his scythe glistening in the moonlight.

Mars comes into the conversation. Keep vigilant he says. I am re-working everything. Luna wishes Mars would not ignite everything with his fiery match. And Luna also knows that the two malefics are awakening demonic energy of Aquarius. Like the demon Ornias.

Solomon controls Ornias who is a vampirizing demon who lives in the constellation of Aquarius. He is a shape shifter. Luna knows that this sojourn of the two malefics would awaken many demonic entities of the zodiac.

As the Aquarius energy taArkes shape in the macro and the micro, we begin to see more demonic intrusions from entities like Ornias and Luna feels this demonic intrusion as life in 3D is in flux and the journey is taking us all to the UNKNOWN.

She worries about the demon Ornias as she knows he strangles Aquarius men because they have a passion for Virgo women. The ruler of Virgo is Mercury who co-rules this decan of Taurus. There are no coincidences, ruminates Luna. Archangel Uriel is the only one who can keep Ornias at bay. Luna sends the humans below a psychic message and in her heart invokes Uriel to come to the aid of the common people.

There is no disrespect in Luna’s heart toward Saturn as she knows the insurmountable task that lies ahead of total reconstruction. She knows also the incomprehensible exquisiteness of thought and innovation that Uranus wants to bring to the table. Uranus is like the Christos, sacrificing himself for the universal laws and the laws of nature in this planet as Taurus rules the earth and Taurus is a place to do earth magick!

No matter what comes ahead…all this upheaval and all this restructuring, I think this Virus is helping humanity recalibrate. The old is falling like a pack of dominoes and there is no place to run. It is a palace of cards and it all comes tumbling down. Uranus is chipping away surely, slowly and steadily. Chipping away at what is redundant. What is unnecessary.

As Luna embraces Ra in their secret alchemical marriage, she makes a wish…can humans align to Higher Principles? Luna looks down at us humans and Ra follows her gaze. Fondly they communicate telepathically..

Can there not be a world where every human being thrives? Where the true Aquarian ideals are upheld? Ponders Luna as her soul turns cold when she thinks of war. Not even Ra’s warmth can keep her warm.

Ra knows her pain and feels her emotions as he touches her with his love. I commit to you Luna that I will shine brighter to make humans aware of the inner spiritual Sun that shines within from which they can all be nourished.

I show them the dance of light and shadow O mighty Ra for they will realize that they are both of those things…they are the Observer and they Observed. They create us in their minds. For would you shine so bright if they did not have eyes to behold your splendor?

The micro is not separate from the macro Luna and that is the message of this sacred yabyum. Our sacred union in the skies above. The humans are made of stardust and to the stars they shall return O luna…this is their journey…this is their redemption and this is the final Gnosis Luna. This is the ultimate Atonement.

Luna is stunned into silence as she sighs and allows herself to be totally immersed in the soul of her masculine. She surrenders to Ra and there is a new cycle that begins.

She knows in her heart that his dance of duality will never cease and there will be cycles of stability and instability. She knows in her heart that the luminaries above and the humans below are ready. Ready in a way she cannot comprehend for what follows. She is ready to sink deep into the chaos to glean pearls of divine wisdom. She knows as she embraces and loses herself in Ra that no matter what, there is always a new tomorrow.


This symbol speaks of how gradually our minds and our awareness expand after we come across an experience that enriches us. Something fertile from which we gain thought forms for manifestation.

The TAROT CARD of this decan of Taurus is FIVE OF PENTACLES


As the symbol reveals, humanity as a whole is going through HARD TIMES. Ill health is possible with this card, so protect yourself from the Coronavirus and whatever fear the government is feeding you.



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